I am proud to announce the upcoming release of my track! It will be called "Bois de Bié" it is a "stage" of "Rally du Béarn" in the southwest of France.
I wanted to do this "stage" because it is through it that I became passionate about rallying! A rather quick and technical "stage" obtained from 5.2km LIDAR data and with 5 different weather conditions! I spent a lot of time learning Blender and other software, I have been working on this project for a year now, I have met wonderful people, I am particularly thinking of Envolved (9.1k messages on discord! Without him all this would never have happened, I could never thank him enough) DmRally74 with whom I also spent many hours on Discord! Without forgetting the RSF Staff and all the members of this server who do an exemplary job! I will mention the names of people who helped me but I certainly forgot some, I apologize! AleksiP Brandalac Arthur Trasky Jan Kaderabek Kryftosz tomsmalley thank you all! I leave you with the trailer of the "stage" hoping that you like it! Thank's again Envolved !!!! See you!
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Quel boulot ! J'ai déjà envie de rouler dessus 😍😍😍
Génial !!! Déjà très envie de rouler dessus!! d’autres, d’autres ! 😍😍