Bois de Bié is OUT !!!

As you can see "Bois de Bié" is now online i created this article so that you can put your opinions here.A huge thank you to the entire RSF team for their colossal work as well as to all the modders who bring this magnificent game to life!!!

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Who am I ?

My name is Jérôme Catois,


I live in the southwest of France.

Passionate about Rallying and everything related to manual work, I started creating stages for RichardBurnsRally.

I create courses for RallySimFans plugins and only this one.

I have been working on Blender for a year now, a software that is difficult to master but thanks to the incredible community of tracks creators,it has been a pleasure to learn all this.


Through this blog I wish to be able to communicate with you and show you the progress of my work.

I hope you will like it


See you soon 


If you want to support me for my work and help me financially free to you!